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Shopping for the latest sim racing products can be a minefield due to the many brands, each with its own style of product and compatibility. Then, you may see a deal one day, only to see the product back up to full price the following day. Sim racing brands often run limited-time deals throughout the year, so we know the importance of bringing you the best deals while the products are still in stock.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. is the best way to find sim racing deals. We try to always list sim racing gear at its lowest price to help you save money when buying new sim racing products. Despite our best effort, deals change regularly and sometimes the deals and discounts on our website may become out dated. We always try to update deals and remove expired deals, however, sometimes the delay between deals changing and us updating our website may mean the odd deal is a different price than shown on our website.

How this site works: To cover our website's running costs, we utilise affiliate links. is an Amazon Affiliate, and we earn from qualifying purchases. When you click one of our affiliate links and make a purchase, we earn commission. This doesn't affect what you pay. Our goal is to save you money when buying sim racing gear. Read our affiliate policy

Disclaimer: We are not associated with and do not represent any sim racing brand that is featured on our website. All brand logos and names in relation to individual products are the property of their owner. All deals on are added manually and are correct at the time they are added. As this is a manual process, some deals may have changed at the time of purchase.